Intelligence is overrated

I often come across people with different mind set, different beliefs and mostly differently wired brains. If we have to put everyone in unit of measurement we might believe in the current aptitude system or examinations, but is that all what we are, few numbers, a rating, score card, pay check.

I believe we are more than that, is it true that a person who invented/discovered lots in science or a person who discovered what was lost years ago, or someone who could go in space and come back have contributed more than one who has not done anything of this sorts... to me the answer is no, to me the one who lived and mattered has contributed, I once heard someone say that humans are the most important resource because you cannot replace them, when a life is lost a vacuum is created which no one else can fill.

May be for me life's contribution is in living it, knowing it, may be existence is the sole purpose and everything else is the periphery of it which doesn't really matter.

And then would my God differentiate between me and the more intelligent brains born (by my God I believe everyone has their own system of belief and God), it was he who decided what I will be born with, will he love me less... will he make my life less meaningless.

All my life i have been with people who scored more than me, than a small section who scored less than me, but does that really matter, will that matter the day i die and my soul is taken to his adobe, will he reject me for not discovering all he kept as a mystery in this world, or will he embrace me for what I turned out to be in absence of those big brains others have.

I believe he would love me, if I could accept my self as I am, with all my self and all him in me.

To all those who feel less in life, please remember that there is your God somewhere who loves you unconditionally, no brains or all brains you are his eternal love, now and forever


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