Afforestation... Only way Forward.

I recently came across a TED talk and that made me research more on the subject of it and how we can contribute on an individual level.
Why Individual level, well there are various things I want to do, small steps that I feel will bring me peace and help the environment, but every-time I think of something and always I look up for available group which I can join, mostly the search result ends up with groups seeking donations and never has any group come back seeking volunteer support.

But this was different for that first time I am looking for resources and not people or group, obviously they are not easy, but I believe they can be managed.

First things first, details of what I am talking about:
Please watch this, using their methods we can create small patches of forest near us. Let's all get together and give back to our environment
Their webpage with all details and help we will need.

This page can help but again they have courses offered at high price, well as a Great King once said "There are no free Lunches"

This information made me dig little deeper on this subject and how we can achieve this, well I have few pointers and have decided to work on them.
1) We need a minimum land of 100 sq. meters.
2) Need to understand the native forest vegetation of that area
3) Understand the concept of survival of the fittest.

Point 1) is self explanatory, we need a piece of land, where else a forest would grow.
Point 2) every area has certain attributes, climate, terrain, soil, a forest of certain kind of vegetation can only survive there and flourish on their on, on their own because we want a self sustaining environment.
Point 3) Survival of the fittest, this is how our earth and creatures in it has evolved, including us-Humans. Even for forest, we need too plant several of the seeds close to each other following no order off course, imagine how they would have come into being.

I have found something I want to work on and make a success, will keep you all posted on my progress, and incase some of you are looking for a group to start this, reach out and we can together work towards it.
Edit[March 2019] I cudn't find anything to work on... I am lazy, but decided to do my balconies to start with, below is what I did:


  1. Forgot to add, the city where I am trying to work on it is - NCR


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